Contact Savage Wholesale
Thank you for taking the time to visit us and we look forward to serving all of your product and service needs. Our dedicated staff is here to work directly with you to get your product ordered and produced right. Call or email us today to get started.

Tacoma, WA (HQ)
1001 East 25th St., Tacoma, WA 98421
Mailing: PO Box 8100, Tacoma, WA 98419
Phone: (253) 383-1727
Door Millwork FAX: (253) 383-2420
Glass FAX: (253) 383-7003
Door Department Email:
[email protected]
Glass Department Email:
[email protected]

Spokane, WA
East 3230 Ferry Ave., Spokane, WA 99202
Phone: (509) 535-3616
FAX: (509) 535-8958
General Sales Email:
[email protected]

Honolulu, HI
2918 Ualena St., Honolulu, HI 96819
Phone: (808) 833-7411
FAX: (808) 839-0582
General Sales Email:
[email protected]